
Facebot is the modified Farmville bot - it is developed further in some points, but does not have a multiuser feature yet.
Pro: Does have an updater, no need to care for plugins, start the bot, manage installing and updating of plugins all with the fbupdater.
Get Facebot here (choose "setup" file for very first install): http://www.facebot.org/
See facebot.org for tutorials, also visit the forum for help: http://www.facebotforum.com/vb/
It got the same plugins like facebot, and some additional / replaced:
- fbupdater: shows newest versions and changes of plugins and parser; update with one click
- fblinks replaces px_links
- fbtools replaces toolbox (farmgold)
- fbxml shows all itemcodes of the newest xml and arranges items in categories